A Bengali by birth who believes cooking is an art and is the combination of 4S "Salt", "Sugar", "Spices" and last but not the least "Soul".
I am born in Kolkata "The City of Joy" but brought up in many parts of India and presently living in Kolkata, India with my husband. Being a girl I think there is lot of difference in pre and post married life. Before marriage my Mom use to serve me everything right in front of me starting from morning tea to dinner. If I didn't like any food item I used to say it upfront. But now I can feel how much love and effort she puts while cooking that item for us.
For me cooking used to be a task before marriage which I liked to do only on special occasions and my Mom instructing me in anything or everything I made. After marriage we moved to Portland, USA where I had to cook on regular basis and that too all my myself. I used to call my Mom and Mom-in-law for one or the other recipe and they used to instruct me over the phone.
From childhood I have always seen my Mom to serve us a 3-4 course meal and wanted to follow the same regime in order to bring variations on my plate. But as a novice in cooking I used to call up and note down the recipes from my Mom and Mom-in-law.
I think being a foodie is a boon and at the same time a curse too because my urge of eating random things at the odd hours have turned my hobby of cooking into my passion. But the best part of it is getting appreciation from others which inspires me even if I fail to make the dish perfect the way I thought.
So here I am sharing my culinary journey what I learned till date and still learning.
Happy Cooking !!